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Consistent Life Ethic
MISSION STATEMENT: We are committed to the protection of life, which is threatened in today's world by war, abortion, poverty, racism, the death penalty and euthanasia. We believe that these issues are linked under a 'consistent ethic of life'. We challenge those working on all or some of these issues to maintain a cooperative spirit of peace, reconciliation, and respect in protecting the unprotected.
Consistent Life FACEBOOK Page
The consistent life ethic, or the consistent ethic of life is an ideology that opposes abortion, capital punishment, assisted suicide, and euthanasia. Adherents are opposed, at the very least, to unjust war, while some adherents also profess pacifism, or opposition
to all war.[1] The term was coined in 1983 by the Catholic Cardinal Joseph Bernardin to express an ideology based on the
premise that all human life is sacred and should be protected by law.[2] Though most prominently professed by people of
faith, the consistent life ethic is neither a religious nor a political ideology. Read more
Reason To Stand. Faith strengthened through evidence.
Reason to Stand exists to provide apologetics and interfaith evangelism instruction for Christians in order to build up and edify the Body of Christ. Our goal in this ministry is to equip believers with the ability to find solid answers to honest questions. We believe this is the only way faith is truly strengthened and the only way a believer can truly mature in the faith. Read more
‘A Consistent Ethic Of Life’
The Observatorium
19 September, 2011
About a week and a half or so ago, Governor Rick Perry, speaking at the Reagan Library GOP debates, brought up the topic of the number of prisoners executed during his tenure as governor (234 so far). His statement was met with applause from the audience, which was then greeted with horrified gasps from various and sundry talkingheads both secular and religious.
Robert Jones, writing for the Washington Post's Figuring Faith blog, wonders how a person like Governor Perry, who has identified as a ‘strong supporter of "a culture of life"’ can also hold a seemingly paradoxical support for capital punishment – or, as the Catholic Church puts it, Governor Perry and other Christians who both call themselves pro-life and pro-death-penalty are not holding ‘a consistent ethic of life’.
Folks, there is no paradox.
As the article points out, the most common definition of ‘pro-life’ is being anti-abortion. But it’s more than that – it’s being anti-murder. Pro-life folks, Christian or not, understand that murder is wrong, and that those guilty of it should be punished. Christians, in particular, should understand a few things:
God mandated capital punishment (Genesis 9:5-6).
God mandated multiple witnesses to a crime (Numbers 35:30; Deuteronomy 17:6; Deuteronomy 19:15).
God, through Moses, appointed human beings to be judges.
In short, God mandated the criminal justice system. This is why pro-life Christians expect anyone accused of murder to stand trial and be judged by a jury of their peers. Read more
Essay: Coherent, Consistent, Livable by Wes Widner
Christianity is a worldview, a way of viewing the world we live in. This encompasses metaphysical beliefs such as the origin of the universe, meaning and purpose of life, and what happens to us after we die. It also encompasses things like how we view family, marriage, and careers. It even encompasses mundane decisions such as what we choose to wear, what entertainment we prefer, and how we spend our leisure time.
Most people don't really think about their world-views and, as a consequence, their world-views end up being a hodge-podge collection of beliefs. Very few people take the time to critically think through the beliefs they hold and examine whether their world-view passes three basic tests: Read more
Patricia Heaton Hollywood Politics
Reflecting her pro life advocacy, she was once quoted as saying that a woman who is experiencing unplanned pregnancy also deserves to experience unplanned joy. A
consistent life ethicist and supporter of all pro life causes on the basis of feminism, Patricia Heaton is honorary chair of Feminists for Life and is an actress who is best remembered for playing
the role of Debra Barone, the beleaguered wife of Ray Barone in the CBS TV sitcom "Everybody Loves Raymond."
Born as Patricia Helen Heaton on 4 March 1958 in Bay Village, Ohio, Patricia attended the Ohio State University where she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in drama. She
later relocated to New York City to further hone her acting skills under renowned drama teacher William Esper. Read more