Archives 5th Circuit JNC, vacancy March 8, 2016
Governor Scott Appoints Gary L. Sanders to the Fifth Judicial Circuit Court, On June 24, 2016, in Recent Appointments, by Staff
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, Governor Rick Scott announced the appointment of Gary L. Sanders to the Fifth Judicial Circuit Court.
Sanders, 53, of Ocala, has been with the Bice Cole Law Firm, P.L. since 2000, where he serves as owner and managing partner. He was previously a partner with Pattillo, McKeever & Bice from 1993-2000. Sanders began his legal career as an associate with Pattillo & McKeever in 1987. He received both his bachelor’s degree and his law degree from the University of Florida. Sanders fills the vacancy created by the resignation of Judge David B. Eddy.
Marion's new circuit judge combines job with public service
Ocala Star-Banner
By Nicki Gorny Staff Writer
August 3, 2016
Former colleague says new judge listens well, treats those around him respectfully, prepares thoroughly and "has a great understanding of the law."
For Gary Sanders, the newest judge to move into chambers at the Marion County Judicial Center, the third time proved the charm.
He first put his name in for a judgeship in 2014, when then-Circuit Judge Brian Lambert moved up to the 5th District Court of Appeal.
He applied again last fall after then-Circuit Judge Hale Stancil announced his retirement. In June, he finally received the news he had been hoping to hear: Gov. Rick Scott had selected him to fill the vacancy left when Circuit Judge David Eddy retired in May.
"I’m really excited about the opportunity," Sanders said.
Sanders said he sought a judgeship as a way to steer his career toward public service. That is not to say he has not found outlets for public service in his 29 years as a civil litigator through a local firm, he said. But, as he continues to learn the ropes of the juvenile dependency docket in his first weeks on the job, he said he has been especially happy to fill that role through a seat on the circuit bench. Read more
March 8, 2016
CONTACT: Derek A. Schroth, Chair,
Fifth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission
TELEPHONE: (352) 589-1414
The Fifth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission announces a vacancy in the Fifth Judicial Circuit for Circuit Court judge. Applicants must have been members of The Florida Bar for the preceding five years and must be registered voters. The person appointed must be a resident of Marion County, Lake County, Hernando County, Citrus County or Sumter County at the time he/she assumes office. The Fifth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission understands that the person appointed will likely serve in the Circuit Court for Marion County.
Applications may be downloaded from The Florida Bar's website and are also available from the Chair:
Derek A. Schroth
600 Jennings Avenue
Eustis, FL 32726
Telephone: 352-589-1414
Facsimile: 352-589-1414
An original signed application with attachments, two copies of the application with attachments, and an electronic copy of the completed signed application with attachments must be delivered to Derek A. Schroth, Chair of the Fifth Judicial Circuit Nominating Commission. The electronic copy of the application with attachments should be in PDF form and should be submitted on a CD or thumb drive.
The deadline for submitting the applications is Monday, March 28, 2016, at 4:30 p.m. No applications will be accepted after 4:30 p.m. March 28, 2016. Incomplete applications may be rejected in their entirety at the Commission's discretion.
All interviews are set for Friday, April 29, 2016, at the Marion County Judicial Center, 110 NW 1st Avenue, (2nd Floor, Clerk of the Court David R. Ellsperman’s conference room) Ocala, FL 34475. Interview times will be established at a later date. Applicants will be notified of their interview time by email.
Members of the bench, Bar and public are encouraged to contact members of the Commission concerning applicants for judicial positions.
Members of the Fifth Judicial Nominating Commission are Derek A. Schroth (Chair), Christian W. Waugh (Vice-Chair), Darryl W. Johnston, James T. Schatt, Donald C. Barbee, Jr., Charles K. Ruse, Jr. A complete listing for each member is available on The Florida Bar website.
Email of Amy Hasselbring with list of al[...]
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The judicial application shall include a separate page asking applicants to identify their race, ethnicity and gender. Completion of this page shall be optional, and the page shall include an explanation that the information is requested for data collection purposes in order to assess and promote diversity in the judiciary. The chair of the Commission shall forward all such completed pages, along with the names of the nominees to the JNC Coordinator in the Governor’s Office.
(pursuant to JNC Uniform Rule of Procedure).
5.4.16 Letter to Ms. Dane.pdf
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Fifth Circuit needs a judge.pdf
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Judge Eddy to retire in May, after 18 years on the bench
Ocala Star-Banner
By Nicki Gorny, Staff writer
March 9, 2016
Circuit Judge David Eddy will retire at the end of May, after more than 18 years on the bench in Marion County.
Circuit Judge David Eddy will retire at the end of May, after more than 18 years on the bench in Marion County.
"It’s been an honor and a privilege to have served as a circuit court judge," Eddy said Wednesday, echoing a statement he made in his resignation letter to Gov. Rick Scott. "I’ve enjoyed the experience."
Eddy is currently the administrative judge for Marion County, which means he is responsible for assigning each of the county’s 11 circuit judges their dockets. Eddy has handled a wide variety of cases himself, since former Gov. Lawton Chiles appointed him to the judiciary in 1998.
While Eddy currently handles juvenile delinquency cases, as well as a portion of the county’s mental health and mortgage foreclosure cases, among other responsibilities, he has spent much of his career overseeing a criminal docket. Read more
Judge Eddy to retire in May, after 18 ye[...]
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