Scott Rothstein was a member of the Fourth District Court of Appeal Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC)
Gov. Charlie Crist suspended Rothstein from the Fourth District Court of Appeal Judicial Nominating Commission. Crist appointed Rothstein on Aug. 25, 2008, and four days later the lawyer gave $140,000 to the Republican Party of Florida. The Florida Bar also has removed Rothstein from a grievance committee that considers ethics and other complaints against lawyers.
Gov. Charlie Crist’s Executive Order of Suspension 09-264, November 24, 2009, removed Scott Rothstein from the Fourth District Court of Appeal Judicial Nominating Commission.
Below is Executive Order of Suspension 09-264 in PDF.
Adobe Acrobat document [107.9 KB] Why Suspicions About Fla. Firm's Alleged Ponzi Scheme Weren't Voiced
Daily Business Review
by John Pacenti
December 07, 2009
Plenty of smoke surrounded attorney Scott Rothstein and his well-heeled Fort Lauderdale, Fla., law firm. But nobody called the fire department until it was too late.
The worst-kept secret in the South Florida legal community this fall was that the firm Rothstein Rosenfeldt Adler spent more money on payroll than it had coming in the door. The firm spent three times more on advertising than the three biggest firms combined in South Florida.
"Obviously, that business model didn't work," said Florida Bar president Jesse Diner, a Fort Lauderdale attorney with Atkinson Diner Stone Mankuta & Ploucha. "A lot of it didn't make sense."
Chuck Malkus, who runs Malkus Communications Group in Fort Lauderdale, served on the board of the charity Neighbors 4 Neighbors, which refused to accept a Rothstein donation.
"This was building up for over a year, and many of us believe this is just the tip of the iceberg," Malkus said. "I wish I picked up the phone and called the FBI." Read more in the PDF below.
2009, 12-07-09, Why Suspicions About Fla[...]
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