The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA)

U.S. Department of Education (HEOA)


Higher Education Opportunity Act (PDF)
Public Law 110–315—Aug. 14, 2008 (Text)


Dear Colleague Letter: The Higher Education Opportunity Act


The Higher Education Opportunity Act (Public Law 110-315) (HEOA) was enacted on August 14, 2008, and reauthorizes the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (the HEA). The HEOA makes a number of changes to programs authorized under the HEA, authorizes new programs, and makes changes to other laws. The attachment to this letter provides a summary of most of the provisions of the HEOA, organized by subject area. Read more


Subchapter I - General Provisions
Subchapter II - Teacher Quality Enhancement
Subchapter III - Institutional Aid
Subchapter IV - Student Aid
Subchapter V - Developing Institutions
Subchapter VI - International Education Programs
Subchapter VII - Graduate and Post Secondary Improvement

Subchapter VIII - Miscellaneous
Subchapter IX -
Additional Programs

IFAP - Dear Colleague Letters
IFAP - Dear Colleague Letters.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [26.9 KB]
US DeptEd Higher Education Opportunity Act, 2p ltr
Adobe Acrobat document [87.3 KB]
US DeptEd Higher Education Opportunity Act, 219p ltr
GEN0812FP0810AttachHEOADCL 219p.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [683.0 KB]
HEOA, PUBLIC LAW 110–315—AUG. 14, 2008 432p
PLAW-110publ315 print 432p.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]
Uploaded on Mar 5, 2008

Dr. Amy Gutmann, the President of the University of Pennsylvania, gives a talk entitled "Great Expectations for Higher Education in the 21st century" as part of the 30th annual Pullias lecture series. The Pullias Lecture is dedicated to the memory of Earl V. Pullias, professor emeritus of higher education at the University of Southern California and is the oldest endowed higher education lecture series in the world.

Dr. Amy Gutmann took the helm as the eighth president of the University of Pennsylvania on July 1, 2004 launching the Penn Compact, her vision for making Penn both a global leader in teaching, research, and professional practice, as well as a dynamic agent of social, economic, and civic progress. An eminent political scientist and philosopher, Gutmann currently is Professor of Political Science in the School of Arts and Sciences at Penn, with secondary faculty appointments in the Philosophy Department in Arts and Sciences, at the Annenberg School for Communication, and at the Graduate School of Education. Gutmann continues to teach, lecture, and write extensively on ethics, justice theory, deliberative democracy, and democratic education.