Justice Network Link
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
You may donate to Justice Network on PayPal. Thank you for your support. Neil Gillespie
The End of Lynching in Marion County Florida, Chapter 5 Lethal Punishment, Margaret Vandiver
Slavery at Brown University
Slavery Georgetown University
Slavery at University of Virginia
Slavery at Harvard University
Slavery at Ivy League Schools
ABA & NAACP: Racial Bias in the Criminal Justice System
Creation myth, white Supremacy
SOA Watch, Elizabeth Martinez
Every nation has a creation myth, or origin myth, which is the story people are taught of how the nation came into being. Ours says the United States began with Columbus's so-called "discovery" of America, continued with settlement by brave Pilgrims, won its independence from England with the American Revolution, and then expanded westward until it became the enormous, rich country you see today.
That is the origin myth. It omits three key facts about the birth and growth of the United States as a nation. Those facts demonstrate that White Supremacy is fundamental to the existence of this country. Read
Police Captain Ray Lewis (Ret.) fighting corruption. OCCUPY!
Banks destroying America
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - CFPB
Dodd-Frank The White House
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau CFPB Wikipedia
Dodd-Frank 12 U.S.C. Chapter 53
Dodd-Frank Act LLI Cornell Law
Dodd-Frank Act Title X CFPB
Dodd-Frank Act GPO
CFPB Strategic Plan 2012-2017
CFPB Report Highlights Consumer Frustration Around Reverse Mortgages
CFPB February 2015
Snapshot of reverse mortgage complaints (PDF here)
Dec. 2011 - Dec. 2014
Office for Older Americans
CFPB advisory: Don’t be misled by reverse mortgage advertising
CFPB Monitor is a blog focused on important goings-on at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the independent consumer financial regulatory and enforcement agency created by the Dodd-Frank Act. Blog by Ballard Spahr’s Consumer Financial Services Group.
New Bankruptcy Forms Affect Residential Mortgage Lenders...
Update on disparate impact lawsuit against HUD
SCOTUS: No Vindication of Rights Exception to Concepcion
FTC brief: Challenge Arbitration
Will CFPB adopt rules to rein in mandatory arbitration clauses?
Summary of the Dodd-Frank Act
Dodd-Frank implementation SEC
Dodd-Frank Act FDIC
Dodd-Frank - CFTC Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Dodd-Frank - H.R. 4173 (484p)
The Lawyer-Judge Bias in the American Legal System
Professor Benjamin H. Barton author of The Lawyer-Judge Bias in the American Legal System, writes that virtually all American judges are former lawyers, a shared background that results in the lawyer-judge bias. Barton argues that these lawyer-judges instinctively favor the legal profession in their decisions and that this bias has far-reaching and deleterious effects on American law. Overlawyered, Larry Ribstein, Glenn Reynolds, and Cato’s Dan Mitchell. Barton submitted a brief with Darryl Brown, Turner v Rogers. Docket.
The Secret Life of Judges, NYT.
75 Fordham L. Rev. 2855 (2007), by the Hon. Dennis Jacobs, kindly Nominate this for a Nobel Prize.
Hercules And The Umpire, blog by U.S. Judge Richard G. Kopf. Above The Law, Wikipedia.
Resolution 64/292 right to safe drinking water and sanitation.
U.N. press release on Detroit
Marion Co. Fla. Municode
Right to Water and Sanitation
Catarina de Albuquerque video Water for Life. Water and Sanitation as a Human Right
About the U.S. Mission to U.N.
UN reform - U.S. Mission, D.O.S.
UN Oversight and Transparency
Hotline: Waste, Fraud and Abuse
Unanswerd letter to UN Sec-Gen Jan Eliasson; Special Rapporteur
Medicare For All is Necessary and Proper for America's health and success; and U.S. International Commerce in competition with countries who provide workers universal health care. Article 25 of the UDHR says medical care is an international human right.
The U.S. National Health Care Act (Medicare for all) Wikipedia
The biggest hurdle for lawyers with disabilities: preconceptions
ABA Journal, June 1, 2015
William D. Goren Disability Blog
Social Security Disability Law Blog by Jonathan Ginsberg, Disability Attorney, Atlanta, GA
YouTube Social Security Disability
Florida Bar Disability Links
US Depatment of Justice
Cynthia Says Portal
National Counsel on Disability
Conventionon the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
American Bar Association CRPD
ex-Sen Santorum against CRPD
ABA article, Legal Profession Attracts Psychopaths
Law prof. confesses: I am a sociopath, ABA Law News Now
C-SPAN2, America & The Courts
David W. Marston, a Philadelphia lawyer, former United States Attorney, Harvard Law grad, and Author of Malice Aforethought.
ABA: Dear MisConduct
Fla. Bar Rule 4-8.3 Reporting Professional Misconduct
ABA Model Rule 8.3 Reporting Professional Misconduct
U.S. Chief Judge Cebull sent racist email about President Obama. Cebull has retired
Norcross woman's condo sold over $95 tax bill she never received. ABA Journal Law News
Bennie Coleman, retired Marine
lost home over $134 tax bill
The Washington Post
On the day Bennie Coleman lost his house, the day armed U.S. marshals came to his door and ordered him off the property, he slumped in a folding chair across the street and watched the vestiges of his 76 years hauled to the curb...because he didn’t pay a $134 property tax bill.
"The whole system of justice
in America is broken"
ABA Law News Now
Wanda Dunn, Pasadena woman, foreclosure suicide
Wells Fargo - Foreclosure Suicide
Two Philadelphia Homeowners Choose Death Over Foreclosure
Justice in Syria:
When national systems totally fail, the Treaty of Rome applies.
International criminal law
Nuremberg principles, Wikipedia
The Robert H. Jackson Center
Nuremberg - Benjamin B. Ferencz
Ben Ferencz - Facebook
The 'Broken' 2-Party System
NYT: The age of Obama has fallen tragically short... we need to put on our cemetery clothes and be coffin-ready for the next great democratic battle. Read more in the New York Times
Carl Hiaasen, 60 Minutes
Florida: Paradise Of Scandals
60 Minutes' Steve Kroft Talks To Carl Hiaasen In a little less than a
century, the state of Florida has been transformed from a largely uninhabited swamp to the fourth-largest state in the union. And no one has written about that transformation more successfully than
Carl Hiaasen.
Carl Hiaasen on Florida:
"The Sunshine State is a paradise of scandals teeming with drifters, deadbeats, and misfits drawn here by some dark primordial calling like demented trout. And you'd be surprised how many of them decide to run for public office."
Scott and Helen Nearing
Radical Wharton Professor
Nearing influenced generations over his century-long life by advocating what he believed to be a back-to-nature lifestyle of economic and social purity.
"If I am rich and you are poor," Nearing wrote, "both of us are corrupted by inequality."
The politics, economy, and technology today provides a new foundation for his message.
Scott and Helen Nearing, The Good Life, Justice Network Link
Object to the "normalization of violence" accepted to put dinner on the table. See, The human cost of animal suffering, Mark Bittman, NYT, March 13, 2012
Paul McCartney - Glass Walls
C-Span Video Library, Senator Sanders Filibuster Dec. 10, 2010
Full Congressional Record, Transcript
of Sanders Filibuster
1. Factory Defies Sweatshop Label, but Can It Thrive?
The New York Times
2. Reflections on Paying Living Wages in a Global Economy
3. How Many Slaves Work For You today in the year 2014?
4. Slavery Footprint today 2014
5. Progressive Garment Factory, or Charity? Business Ethics Blog
The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America is one of the largest building trades union in the United States, created in 1881 by a convention of carpenters' unions led by Peter J. McGuire, and helped establishing the eight hour day. Wikipedia
United Steelworkers - Wikipedia
Big Stick ideology
"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far"
Anthracite Coal Strike
In 1902, 140,000 miners went on strike, wanting higher pay, shorter work hours, and better housing.....Roosevelt...use[d] the military to run the mines in the "public interest". The mining companies...accepted the demands of the UMW...more
Pro labor: Labor is prior to, and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital and deserves much higher consideration. Abraham Lincoln pro labor quote
"Why play by the rules when you know the game is rigged? To do so is to condone your enslavement." Read this and more on the website Of Two Minds by Charles Hugh Smith in his post "Our Participation Fuels Financial Tyranny". Zero Hedge
A John Brown for Today?
John Brown, the abolitionist of Harpers Ferry fame, sought to free slaves bound by chains and involuntary servitude. Brown’s raid in October 1859 with 22 men played a major role in starting the American Civil War. David S. Reynolds hails him as the man who "killed slavery, sparked the civil war, and seeded civil rights." That was 155 years ago. The Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 freed slaves, and in December 1865 the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude.
Economic Slavery Today
Today economic slavery has many people in debt chains. Economic or debt slavery is more efficient for its masters than the slavery of the Old South. Debt slaves must feed, house and clothe themselves. The debt slave masters, the banks, credit card companies, and even student loan providers, all rely upon the courts and justice system for enforcement of debt. When economic slaves can’t pay back their debt, they are told to get a second job. Or a third job.
Meanwhile, when the well-connected masters of economic slaves get in a financial bind, and
bring our economy to the brink of collapse, they call on politicians in Washington, DC for bailouts. Bankers don’t get second
or third jobs, they get million-dollar bonuses.
The economic slave masters have access to the best lawyers, sympathetic judges, and sheriff’s
deputies ready to haul the debt slave to court, or throw him and his family out of their
home and into the street. Does anyone see a problem with this scenario? Where is the John Brown for today’s debt slaves?
Justice Wikipedia
Justice is the concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, fairness, or equity, along with the punishment of the breach of said
According to most theories of justice, it is overwhelmingly important: John Rawls claims that "Justice is the first virtue of
social institutions, as truth is of systems of thought."
Justice: An Impossible Dream? Dr. Margaret Koch-Nabialczyk
Jeffrey Good, Final Indignities:
An Editorial Investigation
of lawyer theft from clients
St. Petersburg Times,
September 11, 1994
Peace Corps, Wikipedia
WikiLeaks is an international organization that publishes anonymous submissions and leaks of otherwise unavailable documents while preserving the anonymity of sources.
New York Times: WikiLeaks Founder on the Run, Trailed by Notoriety, By JOHN F. BURNS and RAVI SOMAIYA, October 23, 2010
Julian Assange, Wikipedia
State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley resigns
Los Angeles Times
By Paul Richter
March 14, 2011
The State Department's top spokesman resigned Sunday, three days after criticizing the Pentagon for its treatment of [Manning]...P.J. Crowley, the assistant secretary of State for public affairs, told a group at [MIT]...that the Pentagon's treatment of Pfc. Bradley Manning was "ridiculous and stupid and
counterproductive." His comments were made public by a blogger who attended the session. More here, and Politico, and The Washington
The Whistle-Blowers Act of 1777
The New York Times
June 12, 2011
FORTY years ago today, The New York Times began publishing the Pentagon Papers, a seminal moment not only for freedom of the press but also for the role of
whistle-blowers — like Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the papers to expose the mishandling of the war in Vietnam — in defending our democracy. Read more
Truthdigger of the Week
Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis
Senior ranking US military leaders have so distorted the truth when communicating with the US Congress and American people in regards to conditions on the ground in Afghanistan that the truth has become unrecognizable. Read more
"I really don't like the term 'PTSD,’” Department of Veterans Affairs psychiatrist Dr. Jonathan Shay told PBS' "Religion & Ethics Newsweekly" in 2010. "He says the diagnostic definition of "post-traumatic stress disorder" is a fine description of certain instinctual survival skills that persist into everyday life after a person has been in mortal danger — but the definition doesn't address the entirety of a person's injury after the trauma of war. "I view the persistence into civilian life after battle," he says, "... as the simple or primary injury." Dr. Shay on YouTube
Dr. Shay has his own name for the thing the clinical definition of PTSD leaves out. He calls it "moral injury" — and the term is catching on with both the VA and the Department of Defense.
Moral injury, Dr. Shay says, can happen when "there is a betrayal of what's right by someone who holds legitimate authority in a high-stakes situation." read more
Marines Moving Women Toward the Front Lines
The New York Times
April 24, 2012
The Marine Corps, the most male of the armed services, is taking its first steps toward integrating women into war-fighting units, starting with its infantry officer
school at Quantico, Va., and ground combat battalions that had once been closed to women.
Stars and Stripes exists to provide independent news and information to the U.S. military community, comprised of active-duty, DoD civilians, contractors, and their families. Unique among the many Department of Defense authorized news outlets, only Stars and Stripes is guaranteed First Amendment privileges that are subject to Congressional oversight. Go to the website
Aid and Attendant Benefits
Our motto: "FIGHTING FOR THE TRUTH. . .EXPOSING THE CORRUPT" is our battle cry! We go after, not only pompous brasshats and as COL. David Hackworth so ably put it - the "perfumed princes" like Gen. Wesley Clark - but Gestapo-like MP's, CID, NIS, OIS and other alphabet agency "bully boys" who ignore the Constitution of the United States and the right to Due Process.
Law Professor Paul Campos, The Daily Beast: Why Bin Laden Was Not Taken Alive
Former Sen Bob Graham Urges Obama to Reopen Investigation into Saudi Role in 9/11 Attacks
C-Span interview with Major Heather Penney, 9/11 DC Air National Guard Pilot
Major Heather Penney recounts the drama in the skies after District of Columbia Air National Guard pilots scrambled to intercept incoming hostile planes. She describes why F-16’s initially took off from Andrews Air Force Base unarmed – and what she was prepared to do to bring down a plane piloted by terrorists. And she recounts how later that day she helped escort President Bush and Air Force One back to Andrews Air Force Base. C-Span Interview
Justice Network
Neil J Gillespie
Information on this website is a free public service. While the information on this site deals with legal issues, it does not constitute
legal advice. If you have specific questions related to information available on this site, you are encouraged to consult an attorney who can investigate the particular circumstances of your
Due to the rapidly changing nature of the law and our reliance on information provided by outside sources, this website does not warranty or guarantee the accuracy or
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In no event will this website be held liable to any party for any damages arising in any way out of the availability, use, reliance on or inability to use this website
or any information provided by or through this website, or for any claim attributable to errors, omissions or other inaccuracies in, or destructive properties of any information provided by or
through, this website.
Neil J. Gillespie:
1. Does not give legal advice.
2. Not a lawyer.
3. Not an attorney.
4. Not licensed to practice law.
5. Did not go to law school.
14 Year Anniversary - YouSue.org to NoSue.org
Fourteen years ago I started the Justice Network with the domain name YouSue.org. This name was chosen in the spirit of YouTube, the video-sharing website that
empowered ordinary people to produce and share video.
Through this website I have met folks from all over the country. Some of their stories are profiled here. Many have reached the conclusion that America’s justice system is broken.
The official Justice Network Internet address is now NoSue.org. This reflects the sad truth that for most Americans the justice system is broken, just a parody of justice. Reform American courts or
avoid them. Your life, health and wealth is at risk. But don’t just take my word, listen to the experts on this site.
The stories, images, and videos on this website are in the public domain, or featured here under the fair use doctrine if copyrighted. I claim no credit for images posted on this site unless noted. If there is an image on this site that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear, E-mail with a link to the image and it will be removed.